Sendible insights Feature Focus: Quickly connect hundreds (or thousands) of Facebook Pages to Sendible

Feature Focus: Quickly connect hundreds (or thousands) of Facebook Pages to Sendible

Access social media templates

At Sendible, we're constantly making improvements to our platform and I'm really excited to tell you about this small, but powerful feature.

One of the most popular feature requests of late, has been the ability to bulk load multiple Facebook Pages into Sendible at once. This is especially useful for some of our larger customers who manage Facebook Pages for multiple locations, brands or clients. Sometimes, the volume of pages for these types of users can be in the thousands, especially for some of our franchise users!

For this reason, we've decided to implement a Facebook Page Loader tool that allows you to import multiple Facebook Pages at the click of a button. You can also use this option to reconnect all your pages to Sendible if you ever change your Facebook password or privacy settings.

Here's how it works:

screenshot of Sendible App dashboard

  1. Sign into Sendible and click on the Services+ tab.
  2. In the left sidebar, select Apps.
  3. Locate the Facebook Page Loader and click Add.
  4. You may be prompted to authenticate with Facebook. Grant all the requested permissions.
  5. You will then have the option to select one or more Facebook Pages to link to your Sendible account.
  6. Make your selection and apply the relevant settings, then click Save Settings.
  7. Your pages will be imported in to Sendible and if you've previously added any pages, they will be reconnected for you.

Please let us know what you think of this feature in the comments. As always, we love hearing from our customers as we strive to make our platform even better!

By the way, if you're thinking about using Sendible (or you're currently a customer) and you manage a large number of clients/locations, you may want to read our recent article on Social Media Management Best Practices For Franchise Businesses with Sendible.


Manage and amplify multiple brands on social media with Sendible

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