Your higher education for social media hub


The Sendible dashboard is your all-in-one platform for managing higher education social media. Schedule posts, enhance engagement with Canva integration, and collaborate seamlessly across faculty and staff.


Centralise your inbox to ensure prompt responses, and utilise automated reporting to measure campaign success. Save time and resources while maximising your social media reach, as well as student, parent and alumni engagement.


Find out why our customers love Sendible.


All your content on one calendar


The Sendible Calendar is designed to streamline your higher education social media management. View and manage all department and faculty profiles in a unified calendar.


Use calendar views and filters to consolidate profiles, and apply secure SSO (Single Sign On) to manage user access efficiently. Ensure consistent and timely communication across all platforms with ease.


Scale your Instagram marketing.


Enhance teamwork & consistency


Sendible's Collaboration Tools are designed to enhance your higher education social media efforts by simplifying the content approval process to maintain brand consistency.


Ensure all social media materials meet your standards before publication with efficient approval workflows, reducing errors and ensuring high-quality, across all locations. Facilitate seamless teamwork among marketing, admissions, and alumni relations departments with roles and permissions. 

Easily collaborate with your team on brand growth.


Drive growth & engagement with enhanced reporting


Sendible's reporting tools offer comprehensive analytics for your higher education social media platforms. Access detailed insights to measure campaign success and inform strategic decisions. Link with Google Analytics to track performance across all departments and profiles.


Generate automated reports to save time and resources, ensuring your social media efforts are data-driven and effective. Utilise pre-built reports covering audience growth, optimal posting times, engaged users, and top content. Enhance engagement and drive growth by understanding what works and optimising your content and social strategy accordingly.

Deliver a winning social media strategy.


Advanced content management for higher education

Instagram Reporting

Sendible's content management tools are designed to elevate your higher education social media strategy. Enhance engagement by creating visually appealing content with Canva and targeting specific programs and audiences with custom tags.


Use the content library to ensure consistent communications, and boost employee advocacy by providing ready-to-share content. Save time by utilising AI Assist for effortless post creation and utilise campaigns to track and report on content across social networks.


Maximise your reach by scheduling posts at optimal times and stay informed with RSS feeds for industry, and community news.

Deliver a winning social media strategy.


Simplify social media scheduling


Sendible's bulk import feature allows higher education institutions to schedule numerous posts simultaneously, saving time and effort. This is essential for managing multiple departments, programs, or events, simplifying content distribution and scheduling.


Use our bulk scheduler and CSV uploads to plan campaigns weeks or months in advance. Employ smart queues to post content on pre-set schedules and group campaigns around key academic dates and events. Repurpose content by setting up repeating posts with start and end dates.


Maximise reach and engagement with optimal timing, freeing up time for strategic planning and analysis.

Deliver a winning social media strategy.


Real support for your social media success

Reliable human support

At Sendible, we are committed to providing exceptional support tailored to the needs of higher education institutions. Unlike others, we offer a truly personal touch with dedicated experts ready to assist you—no bots here!


Expect prompt responses, with an average email reply time of just 5 hours during business hours. Need urgent help? Our live chat support is available daily, ensuring you can reach us whenever you need assistance.


Our customer success onboarding and training ensure that you're equipped for success right from the start. Plus, with a dedicated customer success manager, you can trust that your institution's social media strategy will receive personalised guidance every step of the way.

Sendible helps higher education institutions streamline and optimise their social media strategy by offering comprehensive tools for scheduling, publishing, and analysing content across multiple platforms. Our platform enables you to centralise your social media management, ensuring consistent messaging and efficient communication. With features like detailed analytics, automated reporting, and content calendars, you can tailor your strategy to engage students, alumni, and staff effectively, driving higher engagement and participation rates.
Yes, Sendible can assist with generating content ideas for higher education. Our AI Assist feature can help you create engaging posts effortlessly. Additionally, you can stay informed and inspired by integrating RSS feeds for industry news, program updates, and local events. The content library allows you to store and manage assets, making it easy to repurpose and maintain consistent, on-brand communication.

Sendible enhances student recruitment efforts by enabling you to reach prospective students through targeted social media campaigns. Use our multi-channel posting feature to share compelling content across various platforms, and track engagement with detailed analytics to understand what resonates with your audience. Custom tags and fields allow you to personalise content for specific recruitment events and programs, increasing the likelihood of attracting and retaining prospective students.

Sendible helps boost alumni engagement and fundraising by providing tools to maintain consistent and meaningful communication with alumni. Use our content calendar and bulk import features to schedule posts that keep alumni informed about events, news, and fundraising campaigns. Detailed analytics help you track engagement and adjust strategies to maximise impact. Additionally, employee advocacy features encourage faculty and staff to share content, broadening your reach and fostering a sense of community among alumni.

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Create engaging designs for platforms like Instagram within Sendible and access all pre-made visuals with a Canva Pro subscription.

Image Editor

Use our built-in editor to crop and optimise your images to suit each social media platform's ratio requirements.

RSS Feeds

Follow your trusted RSS feeds and publish relevant quality content to social networks at regular intervals throughout the day or as and when new articles are published.

Bulk Importing

It can make more sense to plan your content in bulk. Quickly prepare and import a CSV file or create posts in bulk directly in your dashboard.

Content Suggestions

Browse through fresh content on popular topics and share the most relevant pieces on your client's social media accounts.

Media Integrations

Source fun, royalty-free content with GIPHY and Pexels to engage your audience. Access existing content with our DropBox and Google Drive integrations.

Try Sendible for free.

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