Managing Instagram just got a whole lot easier!

Shanaaz Banks Shanaaz Banks

We've updated how you can add and reconnect Instagram Business profiles and manage accounts all in one go!

This is a significant step in our journey to remove tedious workflows by reducing the number of steps to take so you can focus on what matters most: telling your story on social media. 

With this update, you can look forward to: 

  1. More time saved: Connect and reconnect any Instagram Business Profiles associated with your Facebook account in bulk.
  2. Helpful guidance: More troubleshooting advice if you ever run into any issues with your connections or reconnections.
  3. Easier management: With the new look of the update, you’ll be able to keep track of accounts that are in need of reconnection in one single view.

As part of this new release, you won’t need to do a thing except make sure your Instagram Business profiles are connected. We’ll handle everything on our end including migrating you to the new flow.

If your account is disconnected, you'll be seeing this updated flow from now on as well! 

🎉 Highlights

  • Easily manage Instagram Business profile settings: You'll be able to edit Instagram Business profile settings without needing to reauthorise the connection between Facebook and Sendible.
  • Clarity on adding Instagram Reminder profiles: Accidentally added the wrong profile? Not a problem! Just click connect on the exact profiles you want to add to Sendible from a single view.

🛠️ What do I need to do?

  • Reconnect any disconnected Instagram profiles: Keep your posts running smoothly and your data flowing in by making sure your Instagram Business Profiles are connected. 
  • Instagram Reminder profiles guidance: More helpful guides and FAQs are provided for managing push notifications.
  • Client Connect: If you have Instagram Business profiles added via Client Connect, you will need to ensure that these profiles are connected to minimise any migration interruptions.

 🙋‍♀️ What do I need to know?

  • Instagram profiles shared with you: You will still have access to any Instagram profiles shared with you. If a profile is connected, it will be migrated over to the new flow. 
  • No impact on scheduled Instagram posts: Migrating to the new workflow will not impact scheduled posts. Please ensure that your accounts are connected for a smooth transition.
  • Instagram Reporting: The new workflow will not impact Instagram reporting.

🤔 Any other questions?

This is another step on our road to easing your workflows and saving you more time while managing social media efficiently. There are further updates coming in the next few months, so stay tuned! 

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team. Do you have any feature requests? Please submit ideas here.