Sendible - Social Media Best Practices for Brands

How to Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts Without Burning Out

Written by Tricia Osazuwa | Sep 18, 2024 8:00:00 AM


Let’s be real - all social media marketers have the same problem at one time or another: managing multiple social media accounts. 

Whether you’re a digital agency battling between managing your clients on social media and pitching your services to new businesses or a marketing team handling your brand’s social channels in-house, there’s just not enough time for it all without feeling burnt out.

At Sendible, we dedicate ourselves to understanding the essence of managing multiple social media accounts. We know how important it is to be able to easily group multiple social media accounts together to seamlessly manage the activity for each brand/social account and generate individual reports for them. 

The core of Sendible is tailored for busy marketers like yourself. It aims to empower them to maximise their social media impact efficiently within their limited time.

Today, we’re going to uncover how to use Sendible to manage multiple social media accounts by answering the following questions:

How to successfully manage multiple social media accounts at once?

Managing multiple social media accounts simultaneously without the right strategies in place is like going shopping without a shopping cart. Eventually, things will start dropping. So let’s pick up those pieces with these 3 social media management tips:

1. Use a social media management tool

If you need a shopping cart to handle all your groceriries then having a go-to social media management tool is essential when handling several social media accounts across different platforms. With the ability to add all necessary social media accounts onto one dashboard and schedule content to them using Sendible, consider you social media managed.

Sendible is integrated with 20+ different social media platforms including popular social networks like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Use it to schedule posts in advance for each of your accounts, freeing up your time to focus on other important tasks like engagement and strategy

2. Create a content calendar

Instead of creating content on the fly, plan your posts ahead of time. A well-structured calendar allows you to visualise your content strategy for each social media account and ensure that there are no gaps in the social media strategy you've spent hours building. This organised approach not only saves time but also helps ensure consistency across social media platforms, enabling you to meet your content goals without a last-minute breakdown.

Top tip: Use Sendible’s easy-to-use visual calendar, to see all your scheduled content in one place for different social media accounts.

3. Batch content creation

As a social media marketer, we're sure you know content creation can be one of the most time-consuming, stress-inducing aspects of social media management, especially when dealing with multiple accounts.

One way to avoid burnout from this continuous cycle is by batch-creating your content. This means, setting aside a block of time each week or month (whichever you prefer) to create multiple pieces of content in one go. This could be recording all your Instagram Reels, creating content for your Facebook page or designing your Canva graphics all in one day. Batching allows you to focus on the one task of creating content and knock it out for several accounts. This practice helps reduce the day-to-day pressure of coming up with fresh ideas and makes managing multiple accounts more manageable.

And the best part? You can then bulk upload your batched content to free up extra time for scrolling for more ideas. 

Bonus Tip: 4. Automate where possible

Automation is a lifesaver for social media managers, particularly when you’re managing multiple accounts.

We know that using scheduling tools like Sendible for social media scheduling across different social networks is key to managing different accounts. But why not also try automating other tasks by:

  • Creating standard replies or templates for frequently asked questions.
  • Developing templates for evergreen content, for example, a review post.
  • Setting up automated replies for every message received.
  • Repurposing existing content for new uses.

Can you manage multiple accounts on Sendible?

Yes, Sendible is designed specifically to make managing multiple social media accounts easier and more efficient. Whether you’re handling multiple accounts for a single brand or managing several different accounts as a social media manager, Sendible offers the tools you need to streamline your workflow and stay organised. 

Here's a quick overview on how Sendible helps you manage multiple social media accounts effectively:

1. Connect all social profiles on one unified dashboard

One of Sendible's standout features is its easy-use dashboard. This dashboard allows you to access all of your connected social media accounts in one central location. There is no need to context-jump through apps or devices—everything is laid out for you in a single, easy-to-navigate interface. This view makes it simple to oversee all your connected social accounts and social media content and schedule posts for each platform without feeling overwhelmed by constantly switching contexts.

2. Multi-account scheduling

Sendible’s multi-account scheduling feature allows you to schedule posts across different accounts. This feature saves you time and ensures that you can maintain consistent social media posts across platforms without having to log in and out of each account. Additionally, Sendible enables you to customise each post for the specific social media platform, meaning you can schedule a post to go out on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn but tweak the wording or format to suit the audience and style of each platform.

Also, stay on brand while tailoring copy for every social media channel with custom tags. Add a predefined tag to drive traffic to the same page from multiple locations and social media profiles, and rest assured that all your campaigns will run smoothly.

3. Team collaboration

If you’re working within a team, Sendible makes collaboration easy by allowing you to assign tasks, such as responding to comments or creating content on multiple platforms, to specific team members. Our permissions system ensures that your team can access the accounts they need. This simplifies dividing responsibilities, controlling multiple accounts, and ensuring everyone works towards a unified social media strategy.

4. Analytics and reporting

Managing multiple accounts isn’t just about scheduling and posting—it’s also about tracking performance. Sendible offers comprehensive analytics and reporting features that give you insight into your accounts' performance. Whether you're looking at audience engagement, post reach, or follower growth, you can easily track these metrics for all accounts in one place. 


5. Campaign planning

We've recently made handling your social media marketing campaigns across various social media channels such a breeze. With Sendible, you can seamlessly organise your posts into unified campaigns, ensuring your messaging remains consistent and compelling across every platform. It doesn't end there - prepare to explore in-depth campaign-level analytics for insights that will elevate your strategy.


4 Agency Owners Reveal Their Work-Life Balance Tips

Let's switch away from social media channels, content, and multiple social media account management. We asked seven agency owners how they maintain a healthy work-life balance without turn out:

"As an agency owner, how do you maintain a work-life balance and manage the stress that comes with juggling multiple clients at the same time? Please share any tips, tools, and techniques that you find beneficial."

Here’s what they had to say:

Cathy Wassell - Socially Contented

Cathy works solo in her digital social media agency.

It can be hard: I run my agency and also run courses on LinkedIn and Facebook Ads. Plus I have Facebook groups to run too, so it can get frantic if you let it.

I try to be very focused. Everything gets put in the diary, including time for marketing my own business. (Treat your business like a client!)

I work in bursts – longer than the 25 minutes recommended in the Pomodoro Technique, but less than an hour. During that time I switch off notifications and concentrate just on the piece of work I am meant to be doing. Every client gets a slot, and I check all active Facebook Ads every day.

I also outsource as much as I can and have an excellent VA who helps me stay organized.

James Anstee - Content 4 Social

James works solo in his digital social media agency.

I don't believe that there is a right or wrong way to do things in terms of managing your work-life balance, as it is a personal thing for each individual.

However, in terms of making things easier for yourself, you need to be organized and write everything down. Every day I write a new to-do list for each client with short-term and long-term tasks on it. If you don't write things down and don't have systematic ways of storing files, documents, and notes you waste time searching for what you need to complete projects. This lack of organization creates added social media work for yourself, but if changed it can give you more time to spend on your life away from your business.

It is certainly difficult to maintain a good work-life balance as when an 'urgent task' pops up from a client the natural reaction is to deal with it there and then, even if that means aspects of your personal life are affected.

The most important thing to remember, however, is to not put too much pressure on yourself. For the majority of us, the reason why we started our own agency was that we love the field that we work in and want to be successful. 

" Being happy, having 10 clients and having a good work-life balance is far better than having 15 clients and feeling under-pressure and miserable."

Andrea Jones - Social Media for Podcasts

Andrea is the founder and social media strategist for her social media agency.

One of the ways I maintain a work-life balance is by turning off the notifications on my cell phone.

When I first turned them off in January of 2017, I was afraid that I would miss something important. What I found, though, is that when I'm working, I'm often checking in manually anyways. From Facebook to Google My Business, to the Gmail app, I was making sure to keep a pulse on my client's accounts and my inbox.

I also found that when I was taking time off in the evenings and on weekends, I wasn't getting distracted from personal life by work obligations. I could check in early Saturday morning and spend the rest of the day enjoying life instead of getting interrupted by a social media or email notification.

Gareth Cartman - CLD Agency

Gareth is Client Services Director at the digital performance agency, Clever Little Design (CLD).

1) Hiring the right people and trusting them to do the job you're asking them to do it. Someone once said you should only hire people you'd be willing to work for, and I like to stick by that. It means you can delegate your social media management tasks with confidence.

2) Maintaining good, honest and open relationships with clients. It's not just about producing great work; it's about being open and honest with your clients: knowing their social media business and being forward about what's going to work for them (and what's not) makes a big difference.

3) Take on the right clients. Agencies experience stress when they don't have the right clients. That might be price point (over-servicing because the client can't afford your usual rates), and it might be cultural. Following every lead isn't healthy.

Wrapping up

It’s possible for social media marketers to maintain a healthy work-life balance, as our guests have outlined above. Planning your, using the right social media management software and developing good habits is crucial if you want to avoid burnout when managing multiple social media accounts.

But remember first - manage yourself so you’re in a fit state to manage others.